Thursday, September 22, 2016

Lessons Learned From "Toy Story"

I know most people are familiar with the theme song by Randy Newman "You've Got A Friend In Me" featured in "Toy Story".

Here are a few of my favorite lines:
"When the road looks rough ahead"

"You've got troubles and I've got 'em too, there isn't anything I wouldn't do for you, we stick together and see it through"

"And as the years go by, our friendship will never die"

Have you ever given much thought to how loyal are you?

Are you a loyal family member, employee or friend?

We often get caught up in the daily tasks and are often overwhelmed with obligation to the point that we lack loyalty.

Sometimes we get so consumed in me, myself and I that we forget about us and them. We neglect the people and places that have brought happiness into our lives. We forget those who have been there for us during the good times and the bad.

It's hard to live life in balance but lately this subject has weighed heavily on my heart.

Years ago I was forced to make a decision that dissolved a friendship that I had since childhood. I was so torn but I did what I had to do to keep peace at home. Over time, I cherished the memories and the laughter that remained but in my heart I felt grief and my heart was broken.

A little over a year ago, 8 years after the end of that friendship, I received a call that changed everything. My long lost friend reached out to me during my storm. It was a conversation filled with tears, laughter and heartfelt apologies. After 2 hours on the phone, we had reached a point of forgiveness, healing and a new beginning.

Not all friends will stand by you through the joys AND sorrows. I learned a very important lesson. Never leave friends when they need you the most.

In my journey, there was a point when I wasn't sure who I could trust. I felt alone, afraid and sometimes bitter. I prayed some days without ceasing. I wanted to believe the best in people even though life was very difficult at the time.

I have many friends who are separated by miles. We can go months without talking but always seem to pick up where we left off.

I always want to be the loyal friend. That true friend who doesn't tell you what you want to hear but what you need to hear. The friend that will be honest and you will respect them for their honesty. The friend that they know will answer when called. The one that will help them clean up whatever mess they have. The friend who refrains from passing judgment and just listens. The friends you can agree to disagree with.

I want to be the friend who will always come drink a beer and listen to stories. I want to have the friend that will share my stories and inside jokes. The friend that helps me up when I've fallen or pushes me down when I need a dose of reality.

So think carefully about what kind of friend you are and what kind of friends you want to have. Surround yourself with nothing but the best. You don't need an army of friends. Just a few that will be loyal no matter what.

The one friend that will remain is Jesus. In the stillness and the quiet, we know that he is there. He hears our worries and celebrates our joys. Listen to His voice when you choose those friends to share your life with.

Share you life with like minded people. And love your friends well.

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