Monday, April 4, 2016

Are You Ready For Answered Prayers?

My oh my.

Have you ever experienced an answered prayer?

What about an answered prayer that you were not prepared to accept?

Over the course of my life I have experienced both. Sometimes it takes much longer to realize those prayers have been answered. Then there are those times that your prayers are answered the moment you say "Amen".

There was an instance that I would like to share.

Some mornings when I wake up, I have to give my aging, tired eyes some time to adjust before I pop open my I Pad for my morning devotion. It's those times that I start my discussion with the Lord.
This particular morning, I was pouring out my concerns that were weighing on my heart. I was asking for discernment and guidance.

This particular morning I made a bold request, "Lord, if there are things in my life that are not good for me and are holding me back or if there is anyone in my life that needs to be removed, then Lord remove those people or give me eyes willing to see what needs to be seen".

Within 48 hours, that prayer was heard and the truth was revealed.

The hard part was losing the person that I thought was a blessing. Yes, there have been tears as I struggled for understanding and healing. Ultimately I know that God was guiding my path and keeping me straight.

I was sharing some of the story with my teenage daughter. I was certain she had some questions about this situation and I wanted her to know some things God does for us.

He knows what is troubling our hearts. He knows our thoughts.

We were able to have an honest discussion about how God brings people into our lives that were intended to be that blessing. However we are also given free will and sometimes things change within a person that no longer makes them a blessing but rather a lesson.

Although I couldn't give her an explanation as to why something within them changed only that God was making it very clear that He would not let anything into our lives to cause us further harm.

Ecclesiastes 3:1
There is a time for everything and a time for every matter under the heavens

Friends, our God is a God of mercy. He will not leave you to live in harm. Just take a moment to be still, listen and be prepared to be amazed.

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