Friday, March 25, 2016

When Life Hurts

There are times when stated plain and simply, life hurts.

My mechanism of coping with hurt is to hide.

We have a standing joke at my house that I just want to drink wine in my PJ's and raise cats. Even though I really don't like cats, it seems to be what the older, single women on my block do. They feed cats, check the mail and take out the trash. On repeat.

There can be a stretch of several days where I am thrilled with life. Everything is great, the sun is out and life seems too good to be true.

It is on the days of hurt feelings, insecurities and unrest that I want to "hunker down" and not face the world.

I have learned on those hard days that I can ask for one thing from people. Prayer.

Matthew 18:20 CEB
For where two or three are gathered in my name, I'm there with them

There have been many tears that flow because life hurts. I also know that these tears are for the growing season. A time where the seeds have been planted, are now being watered and will become a crop to be gathered.

I will also be the first one to say that I am not a patient gardener. I want to see immediate results and I suppose that is why I have never planted a garden. It requires more patience than I am willing to give.

I know that if I will stay the course, things always get better. A few bad days are followed by some really terrific days.

It's not a bad life, it's just a bad day.

If you are like me, these bad days come from a source of pain either current or past. Sometimes there are visible scars or the ones buried deep beneath the surface that may flare up to remind us of the places that hurt.

The truth is, life will never be perfect. We will always have hard days. We will always experience hurt. Not every seed that is planted turns into a "bumper crop".

The loss of a loved one, a relationship, a job, financial loss, guilt or hurt feelings can always expose those scars and make the hurt float to the surface and become visible again.

This is where we have to let hope float. I have to learn to tread water a little longer. Keep planting and watering the seeds waiting to see the first signs of growth.

The rescue boat is on the horizon. It is captained by the only one who can cure us of all the hurt. Jesus.

In His time, he will take those tears and use them for good.

He will give us those mustard seeds of faith to hold us together.

He holds the life preserver that will keep us afloat.

He is our lighthouse and our master gardener.

Stay afloat and see those hurts of life turn to beautiful blooms.

"do you know what hurts so very much? It's love. Love is the strongest force in the world, and when it is blocked that means pain."

"There are two things we can do when this happens. We can kill the love so that it stops hurting. But then of course part of us dies, too. Or, Corrie, we can ask God to open up another route for that love to travel.~ Corrie Ten Boom

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