Monday, August 17, 2015

One More Chance

2 Timothy 3:15-17
"Since childhood you have known the holy scriptures that help you to be wise in a way that leads to salvation through faith that is in Christ Jesus.  Every scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for showing mistakes, for correcting, and for training character, so that the person who belongs to God can be equipped to do everything that is good."

Excitement begins again.

When the new school year approaches, memories creep into my mind. All of those first days of school I have experienced make me yearn for one more. My time experiencing those days are quickly disappearing.

In the midst of the chaos of motherhood, you long to remember those days when you held that tiny baby in you arms. Both those baby girls are now teenagers and present their new list of demands.

No more rushing to make a bottle for the child screaming to be fed. Now they drive to pick up their own food.

No more diapers to be changed or tiny clothes to wash in Dreft. Now their clothes and mine are often shared.

Some days I would like a chance to rock my baby girls to sleep one more time. To hold them and watch them drift off to sleep. To be able to treasure that time not knowing it would be the last.

One more bath where you struggle to hold a slippery baby with one arm while maneuvering a wash cloth and soap with the other.

Oh those precious memories.

Just let me walk them into their Pre-k class one more time. Sadly, that is all we get. One chance.

Time passes too quickly.

There was a time when I would pray that God would keep them safe. I still pray that prayer but over the years, I have added.

"Dear God,
Please keep my children safe. Keep their friends safe. Help them to make good choices. Let them do things that are pleasing to you. Let them walk in faith. Let them be a light. Let them never forget that they are loved. One day bring a man of God into their lives that will love them unconditionally and lead their family to be Your faithful servants."

Over the years I have spent a little time in our local public schools and in the Sunday school classroom. I have mentored, read, volunteered and served as many times as I could.

During those times I have learned to be an active listener. An active listener really focuses on what is being said.

I have always felt in my heart that some kids are not heard. They are seen for who they are on the outside rather than what they have in their heart.

At times, I felt that some needed to be heard more than others. Those students are the ones I always wanted to ask questions to engage their mind and let them know that I was really listening to them.

I hope they remember that. There is a different feeling when you see someone you have actively listened to. They believe that someone cared enough about them to just listen.

I was not an active listener to my own kids at times. There were demands of motherhood, work and stress in general that stole away some precious moments. Today, I am doing my best to be that active listener in my own home.

This school year, I plan to practice hospitality more often. I want every person who steps through my door to know that they are welcome.

I am mentally taking a different approach to this new beginning. Savoring every precious memory before these last few school years are a distant memory.

Cherish those who care, those who need to be heard, those that have nothing to offer in return. You may impact someones life in a way you never imagined.

You only have one chance at life. One chance to make a difference.

Show someone you care today and let them know that what they have to say is important.

Teach them well. Be a listener. Have a servants heart.

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