Thursday, August 27, 2015

Humble and Forgiven

2 Corinthians 2:10-11
If you forgive anyone for anything, I do too. And whatever I’ve forgiven (if I’ve forgiven anything), I did it for you in the presence of Christ. This is so that we won’t be taken advantage of by Satan, because we are well aware of his schemes.

Do you ever look back and think of a time when you could have handled something differently? I sure do.

I know there have been times when I have messed up so terribly that I can't think of a way to make ammends.

Maybe it was a "knee jerk" reaction.

Harsh words said from hurt feelings.

Talking rather than listening.

Trying to prove I'm right rather than doing what is right.

The truth is, we all have experienced our share of messes. The real truth is once it's done, it can't be undone.

Some of the things we create in our mess do not reveal who we really are. Sometimes they come from a place of such deep hurt that we simply cannot conceal it.

The pressure that we put on ourselves in our journey can be overwhelming. We push forward and try to do our best and then...WHAM! We find ourselves clinging to the end of a rope and we feel as if no one sees or hears us. We feel alone in the wilderness.

We made a mistake.

We knowingly committed a sin.

We unintentionally committed a sin.

We are humiliated.

We made a mess.

We feel like a failure.

The truth is we are not any of these feelings.

The experience may make us feel like a spiritual failure. We are now insecure because of the perfection we expect. The only perfection we should seek does not come in human form.

He is molding you. He is not finished with you. He sees you.

I have learned as I get older that trying to make ammends requires a great act of courage. The courage to say you have messed up and the courage to ask someone for forgiveness.

Giving or recieving forgiveness does not mean forgetting. It means making peace with yourself and with others.

With God, once you humble yourself to ask for forgiveness it is removed.

Don't ever forget your value. You are priceless in the eyes of the Lord. You are a blessing. You are forgiven.

Proverbs 3:5-12 (The Message)
Trust God from the bottom of your heart;
don’t try to figure out everything on your own.
Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go;
he’s the one who will keep you on track.
Don’t assume that you know it all.
Run to God! Run from evil!
Your body will glow with health,
your very bones will vibrate with life!
Honor God with everything you own;
give him the first and the best.
Your barns will burst,
your wine vats will brim over.
But don’t, dear friend, resent God’s discipline;
don’t sulk under his loving correction.
It’s the child he loves that God corrects;
a father’s delight is behind all this.

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