Tuesday, December 29, 2015

A Top 10 Look at the New Year

Never, ever have I made a New Year's resolution and kept it. I finally stopped making them a few years ago and I actually felt better about not failing miserably by February.

This year is MY nova initia. Translation from Latin is new beginnings. It is my year of discovering who I really am and leaving the past where it belongs. This IS my New Year's resolution. A new beginning.

I have been fairly open about my struggles with bulimia, infertility, postpartum, domestic abuse and the life of a divorced, single mom. Through all these obstacles, I have fought to face my inner demons and heal through the saving grace of Jesus. I have researched and read until I am exhausted at times just trying to find myself in the seasons of my life.

I have been cramming some inspirational reading into my winter break. It recharges my outlook on life and changes my perspective. It reminds me of a movie I love "Eat, Pray, Love". It's about enjoying life's little pleasures in moderation, praying for forgiveness and healing and ultimately learning how to love and be loved.

For all of you ladies (or men) looking to make a list of New Year's resolutions, why don't you look at what you already have and simply improve on it? Moderation, prayer and love.

Here are a list of the top 10 things I would like improve on in 2016:

  1. Health- I have to learn that no amount of exercise will overcome bad eating habits. I need to learn to balance the two. Healthy eating habits that fuel my body and exercise that helps me release all of that negative energy. Your body really is a temple.
  2. Beauty- when someone tells you that you are beautiful or compliments you, believe them. Yes, this is one of my hardest obstacles, I promise to work on this.
  3. Apologies- you simply don't always need to be sorry. It's okay to have feelings. It's okay to be sad, It's okay to be happy. Don't apologize for being you or the feelings you have. They belong to you and no one else. 
  4. Acceptance- not everyone will like you or understand you. That's okay. You are not out to please everyone on the earth. Just stay true to yourself but ultimately stay true to God. Yes, you will make mistakes, you will own your choices and you will accept forgiveness if you ask for it.
  5. Respect- don't look for the respect of others if you don't respect yourself first. If you don't respect yourself, you do not set the standard of how you expect to be treated. Respect others just as you expect to be respected.
  6. Priorities- you make time for the things and people you want. I make time every day for scripture. It's my priority. Also if you are not a priority in someones life, it's time to reevaluate. My church, family and friends know they will always have me in their corner.
  7. Relationships- it's better to be alone than to be with the wrong person. Be with the people who make you happy. Period.
  8. Body image- it's okay to not be magazine perfect. Airbrushing and enhancing have made women have body envy. Yes, I would like to look better. I also have stretch marks but there was a time in my life when I prayed to be a mom with stretch marks. I earned them and will keep them like a badge of honor.
  9. Finances- take charge. I mean learn to manage them correctly. Don't dig a grave of debt trying to keep up and definitely don't go into debt because of the poor credit of your spouse or significant other. This is YOUR credit and/or debt.
  10. Confidence- it's time to learn to display confidence. Don't second guess decisions, go with your instinct. Don't cower down, stand tall. Look at yourself the way God sees you. A remarkable person that is loved.
I encourage you to make your own top 10 list. Enhance the woman (or man) that you are and learn a little more about yourself in 2016.

And yes, for all those wondering, I got my first (and only) tattoo. It's on my wrist where I can always be reminded of where I have been and where I am going. Reconciling the past and accepting the future. Nova Initia~New Beginnings.

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