Friday, November 13, 2015

The Un-Comfort Zone

Isaiah 30:21
If you stray to the right or to the left, you will hear a word that comes from behind you: "This is the way, walk in it."

Recently at a church meeting, we were given the task of discussing certain visions and needs in our church.

Working in a small group, I made a startling discovery about myself and my own comfort zone.

Normal is comfortable to me. I like to blend into the scenery rather than being seen. Being ordinary, living an ordinary life is what is comfortable to me.

I like to sit in the same spot at church. I have the same routine every Sunday. We arrive a little early, I help get the coffee nook running. I speak the few people who stop by to make their cup of coffee or to others as I take my spot toward the back of the sanctuary.

There are people I see almost every Sunday morning. People I am familiar with and who make me comfortable in our beautiful building that is filled with history.

Then it's time to step out of my comfort zone. When the Pastor says "Let's take a few minutes and greet your neighbor".

I stand up and cannot move. It's not that I'm paralyzed with fear but I do not feel comfortable stepping out to intentionally greet others.

Why is it so hard for me to step out of my comfort zone?

I occasionally help with our Saturday night community service that is held in the building adjacent to our sanctuary.

There are people from other churches that attend and I find myself speaking to them as we serve their meal. We form a line for communion and we rest our hands on the person in front and pray for them.

So why is it so hard for me to leave my pew?

I will admit that I do struggle with meeting new people. There is rise that creeps up my spine and makes me very nervous. Most people would never suspect it because I give a smile but inside I am a bowl of jello.

The fear of rejection and my lack of trust is what I believe keep me in my comfort zone. I may not get the response I expect or I may say the wrong thing and become tongue tied. That fear keeps me in my zone of what is comfortable for me.

How do I overcome these things?

I have to rely on the advice a classmate gave me a few months ago.

My friend Dot and I were talking about how I felt I always let the wrong people into my life and I asked her why I make such bad choices. She looked at me and said "Kim, you're going to have to learn to close your heart to some people. God will let you know which ones to let in."

Why didn't I ever think of that? It was because I needed that friend to tell me what I needed to hear.

She wasn't saying I needed to put up a wall but I needed to be still and let the Holy Spirit be my guide.

So, I am working on greeting people, making new friends and really listening to those whispers and guidance that only God will provide.

With practice, I will eventually learn to be comfortable in the un-comfort zone.

My soul feels a greater peace now knowing that I am a becoming the woman God created me to be.

What drives you out of your comfort zone? Can you you overcome those feelings to take a step out of your comfort zone?

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