Friday, July 10, 2015

Searching for Something Bigger

Waiting in a hospital can give you time to sit and think.

You look around a waiting room full of people and wonder what their story is. Why are they here? Is their friend/loved one worse off than mine? Where are they from? So many questions.

Some wait alone and some are there with crowds of people.

One thing they all have in common is the love for whoever they are waiting for.

One the first day in the waiting room, I was the one who sat with a crowd of people. People who helped pass the time. They made me laugh and they made others around us laugh.

The poor guy who was assigned to search for families to give them updates from surgery had more misses than hits. But we rooted for him. We encouraged him that eventually he would find the family he was searching for.

Isn't that part of who we are? The people who long to be searched for?

Proverbs 2:3-5 "Call out for insight, and cry aloud for understanding. Seek it like silver;
search for it like hidden treasure.Then you will understand the fear of the Lord,
and discover the knowledge of God."

Every day we are given the chance to search for happiness in our day. We interact with people who are searching for happiness. They are the people we are drawn to.

Happy people make happy lives. Happy lives make happy hearts. Happy hearts are filled with love.

On the second day in this waiting room, I sat alone for quite a while. It's not because my friend/loved one was loved less, it simply was not something that was planned.

It gave me a chance to sit and be still. I unplugged from life for a few hours and searched for God.

He never ceases to amaze me.

I was thinking about a friend of mine and praying for them when they called. I was searching and found them right there on the other end of my phone.

On my drive home that evening, I turned my radio off and continued to unplug. My mind needed a rest.

As I made my way to the red light, I noticed a man standing on the corner holding a sign. I was mentally preparing for my car to be stopped next to the man and assumed he was asking for money. I am always reluctant to give money to people standing on street corners.

Today, the sign was different. As I approached, rather than looking the other direction, I stared directly at the sign and read these words:

"God loves you!"

I found what I was searching for right there on a street corner. I desperately needed that reminder and tears began to flow.

Never end your search. We always need to be found when we feel lost. It truly is amazing grace!

1 Chronicles 16:9-11" Sing to God, sing praises to him; dwell on all his wondrous works! Give praise to God’s holy name! Let the hearts rejoice of all those seeking the Lord! Pursue the Lord and his strength; seek his face always!"

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