Monday, September 28, 2015

Call of Duty

Duty calls. It seems like the business of volunteering has once again taken center stage.

Many hats. Much time. Zero energy.

When we are in service to others, it is one of the greatest rewards we can give. We give a tiny bit of our lives to someone else. A priceless gift.

To me, there is nothing more rewarding than serving others.

Sometimes that service comes at a price.

I become mentally and physically exhausted. I feel like I am not giving 100% effort and failing to serve in the way I envision.

Deep down, I have a fear of failure. Failure to live up to my own expectations.

While there are days when I am drained, my legs ache and I feel like I have nothing more to give I am reminded that I can do more.

A few hours of sleep can do wonders for the body and soul.

When I lay down, I turn what I may be feeling over to God.

Every failure.

Every sin.

Every mistake.

Every worry.

I ask Jesus to forgive me and to help me forgive others. It is a constant, never ending process.

After I turn everything over to Him, I give thanks.

Colossians 3:17
Whatever you do, whether in speech or action, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus and give thanks to God the Father through him.

During those times when I feel drained, God never ceases to amaze me. I can look back on the week and see how He has woven bits of encouragement into my life. He is the Great Artist and we are His masterpiece.

He restores my faith when I feel I have none.

He give me hope when I feel I am lost.

He gives me love when I feel unloved.

The days when I feel I want to give up serving others is when He breathes life back into me. Sometimes it's very subtle, like a small bit of energy just when I need it. At other times, it's a jolt of full throttle adrenaline that makes me feel like I could move a bus.

I always remember that this is what I am called to do even when I feel drained. Serve.

He reminds me that I am to serve others with the heart of a servant. Even to those I do not want to serve. You know, the ones that are hard to love.

I am to give back to others the gifts that He gives me every day.

Grace. Peace. Faith. Hope. Love. Kindness. Forgiveness.

Some days these gifts are easy to give to others but there are those days that I struggle. My two biggest struggles are forgiving others and showing grace.

Forgiveness and grace are my work in progress. If I want to receive the full gifts that Christ wants me to have, I must serve others in every way. Especially on my struggling days.

Let Jesus into your heart and let Him fill your life with the abundant gifts that He longs to give. Then take that gift and share it with others. Even the ones that are hard to love.

1 Peter 4:9-11
Open your homes to each other without complaining.  And serve each other according to the gift each person has received, as good managers of God’s diverse gifts. Whoever speaks should do so as those who speak God’s word. Whoever serves should do so from the strength that God furnishes. Do this so that in everything God may be honored through Jesus Christ. To him be honor and power forever and always. Amen.

Monday, September 14, 2015

And the Rain Came

Dear Friends,

Do you ever feel as if you are on a rollercoaster? The day starts out simply clicking ahead. You are moving upward and forward. You seem to coast along for a short while. You take a sharp turn. You are thrust forward and feel as if you are freefalling to the bottom. It's fast and terrifying.

A mentor of mine whispered to me one day, "Kim, you know that the enemy will try his hardest when you are making a breakthrough. He will come at you with all his might and try to destroy you."

She was absolutely right. He wants to separate us from the love of Jesus.

Our path is under construction. A constant state of construction. We are becoming refined, renewed and refreshed every day.

Isiah 61:6 (MSG)
They’ll rebuild the old ruins,

raise a new city out of the wreckage.
They’ll start over on the ruined cities,
take the rubble left behind and make it new.

Somedays my construction is delayed by the weather. Most often it is rain. Rain that comes in the form of weeping.

I will honestly admit that I am full of emotions. I weep when I'm happy. I weep when I am sad. I laugh when I'm happy. I laugh when I'm sad.

I cannot help that I am full of emotion. That is the way God made me. I would rather someone see me cry than be the person who stands there emotionless.

When the tears fall like rain and I'm in the state of freefall that I rely on my faith to catch me.

I think there are just days where we are not certain. Are we following the right path? If we are on the right path, why does it seem like we took a dead end or detour?

God gave me the ability to come to Him when I feel uncertain.

This is God's plan to construct us even when we feel as though we are lost in the abyss of construction. When we drop to our knees and plead for the rain to stop. When we are blinded by the pouring rain and trust that God will get us safely to our destination.

The day will come when we will experience the excitement of the rollercoaster ride rather than the fear. The letting go of the bar with your hands in the air, screaming in delight.

The day when the rain stops, the path is clear and beautiful. The sun is shining and we are basking in the abundance of the day.

Until then my friends, follow the winding road. Take the detor. Turn around if you need to. Exit the rollercoaster and fall back in line.

The ride isn't over.

It is only just begun.

Psalm 116:8-9
You, God, have delivered me from death, my eyes from tears, and my foot from stumbling, so I’ll walk before the Lord in the land of the living.